Hyundai Elantra Cash Back near New York, NY (February 2025)

  • 2 Matches

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  • Model
Who has the best Hyundai cash back near me? We found 2 Elantra cash back being advertised across 2646 dealership(s) within a 75 miles radius of New York, NY. Local dealerships are often more competitive, adding their own discounts on top of the national offer. Browse your local New York, NY Hyundai dealer offers – save time and save money. Last updated June 05, 2020
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Hyundai Elantra Price Savings $2,500 at Fred Beans Hyundai Price

$2,500 Cash Back

0 % APR - 36 Months

Fair Deal
Reflects national offer

Fred Beans Hyundai 4465 West Swamp Road, Doylestown, PA 18902

65 Miles

Expires: March 01, 2030
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Hyundai Elantra Price Savings $2,500 at Fred Beans Hyundai Price

$2,500 Cash Back

0 % APR - 36 Months

Fair Deal
Reflects national offer

Fred Beans Hyundai 4465 West Swamp Road, Doylestown, PA 18902

65 Miles

Expires: March 01, 2030